Episode #107 - Trillia Newbell
Click on Trillia's photo to listen to the show. This week the fellas speak with Trillia Newbell about her new children’s book, God’s Very...

Episode #105 - Bri McKoy
Click on Bri's photo to listen to the show. This week the boys sit down with Bri McKoy the author of the recently released book, Come and...

Episode #103 - Chrystal Evans Hurst
Click on Chrystal's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys speak with Crystal Evans Hurst about her new book, She’s Still There:...

Episode #101 - Jamie Ivey
Click on Jamie's photo to listen to the show. This week, the boys welcome back an old friend of the show, Jamie Ivey, of The Happy Hour...

Episode #98 - Dr. Joe McIlhaney
Click on Dr. McIlhaney's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys are sitting down with Dr. Joe McIlhaney an OB/GYN and founder of...

Episode #96 - Tish Harrison Warren
Click on Tish's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys talk to an old friend. And when I say “old”, I’m talking mid 1990’s old....

Episode #94 - Jerrad Lopes
Click on Jerrad's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys interview Jerrad Lopes the host of the Tire Dad podcast. They discuss,...

Episode #92 - Melanie Shankle
Click on Melanie's photo to listen to the show. While Josh is absent…something to do with a new baby that just arrived or some other lame...

Episode #90 - Bennet Omalu
Click on Bennet's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys talk to international movie star, Will Smith…what?...oh,…okay, so...

Episode #88 - Shauna Shanks
Click on Shauna's photo to listen to the show. Listen this week, as Josh talks to Shauna Shanks. She a blogger, a writer, and…home...