Episode #97 - Self Esteem and Your Child
Click the picture to listen to the episode. If you look at the list of top ten teen sins, you see that the basic cause is peer pressure. ...

Episode #96 - Tish Harrison Warren
Click on Tish's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys talk to an old friend. And when I say “old”, I’m talking mid 1990’s old....

Episode #95 - Contentment in the Family (Part 2)
Click the picture to listen to the episode. This week, the boys wrap up their discussion on Contentment…I know this sounds boring, but...

Episode #94 - Jerrad Lopes
Click on Jerrad's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys interview Jerrad Lopes the host of the Tire Dad podcast. They discuss,...

Episode #93 - Contentment in the Family (Part 1)
Click the picture to listen to the episode. We are so passionate about our nation’s, church’s, and family’s lack of contentment, that we...

Episode #92 - Melanie Shankle
Click on Melanie's photo to listen to the show. While Josh is absent…something to do with a new baby that just arrived or some other lame...

Episode #91 - Four Horsemen of the Marriage Apocalypse
Click the picture to listen to the episode. Tune in as the guys kick around Gottman’s Four Horsemen of the Marriage Apocalypse. Watch...

Episode #90 - Bennet Omalu
Click on Bennet's photo to listen to the show. This week the guys talk to international movie star, Will Smith…what?...oh,…okay, so...