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Episode #62 - Pornography


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Pornography. One of the most devastating “drugs” of our time. The Pairadocs discuss how you can begin avoiding the temptations and living in freedom from the temptation of pornography.

Links to information discussed in the show:

Quotes from the Show:

3 Things that are the Problem with Pornography

- it is an addictive substance (chasing the buzz)

- pornographic ideal

- the objectification of women

Change how we view pornography - it does leave victims.

Begin the conversation.

Normalize sex in our homes.

Sexually pursue your wife in front of your children.

Put software on every smart device in the household.

Don't be afraid to get rid of smart technology.

Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers

Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers

Take a Seat on the Couch:

If this episode hits home for you. If you believe you and your family struggle with this particular area, read below for next steps for you and your family:

1. Put blocking/monitoring software on all devices in your home.

2. Begin the conversation. Don't just be satisfied with "yes" or "no" answers. Get the details! The more that is talked about and brought into the light, the better.

3. Get accountable. You must be in community and have people speaking truth to you. Find a friend, spouse, pastor or counselor.

4. If you'd like more assistance in this area, contact Jimmy, Josh or one of their licensed professionals at

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