Episode #156 - Sacrificing Your Marriage for Your Career
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How many of us have found ourselves putting the best interests of our careers over the best interests of our marriages? All the while telling ourselves, “But I’m doing this FOR my marriage! I’m a provider! I’m supposed to provide, aren’t I?!” Or how many of us have found ourselves putting the best interests of the kids and household responsibilities over the best interests of our marriages? All the while telling ourselves, “But I’m doing all this FOR my marriage! I’m a mom! I’m supposed to be mothering, aren’t I?!” If you’re married and have a heartbeat…please listen in this week as the guys talk about putting “career” over what God has joined together.
Links to information discussed in the show:
Our 'career' should be to have a Christ honoring family
Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers
Dr. Josh Myers on Twitter: @docjoshmyers, Instagram: @docjoshmyers, and Facebook: @docjoshmyers
Billy Myers: www.therapywithbilly.com